To heal the mind, body and spirit of every female. To restore her back to God’s original design of her - to be the light, the heart and the mother of this world.

To heal the human race!

About Us

The Eve Center’s central belief is that illness stems from a disorder of a human’s mind, body, and spirit. Therefore, wellness and health, must be brought about by the healing of all three. At the core of our belief is that when the mind or psyche of a person is diseased by anxiety, depression, stress, repressed and unrecovered abuse, distorted by substance or alcohol abuse and/or lacks knowledge of health and wellness, the effect of this unhealthy mind is a diseased body. A body that becomes sick with headaches, sleep dysfunction, gastrointestinal issues, obesity to chronic illnesses such as hypertension, diabetes, congestive heart failure to more severe illness such as Alzheimer’s disease and cancer. A diseased mind and body can then lead to spiritual distress causing states of lack of meaning or purpose, powerlessness and hopelessness. 

The Eve Center is a place for wellness where females of all ages can come to get healing mentally, physically, and spiritually. Only by healing on all three levels, can she truly wholly be healed. We believe that by holistically healing the feminine who are the mothers of our human race, can we then heal the world. A wholly healed woman is a present feminine force and/or mother who is best suited to guide our future generations. Although, we aim to provide services and care for every female in our community, our heart will be to serve the at risk (the fostered girls, the abused, the mental health population) and the low socioeconomic population who are most in need of healing. Our goal is to have our more costly elective services (IVF, aesthetics) be the funding that allows us to provide consistent and comprehensive services to this population group. We believe that healing must also be done on a global scale and therefore we will collaborate with Haven on Earth (, a non-profit foundation that serves the girls in Asia who are trapped in sex-trafficking and the sex trade industry.

Our Company History

Compelled by a deep-seated belief that it is God’s purpose for her to be of service to the healing needs of girls and women, Ellen Church found her calling while visiting Thailand in 2012. While there, she was deeply affected by her first and glaring exposure to the global sex trade. As a victim herself of childhood sexual abuse at the hands of her father, the effects of seeing first-hand the blatant abuse of girls as young as 10 years old created a drive in Ellen to facilitate change. Unfortunately, like many young girls and women, it isn’t just sexual abuse that Ellen is familiar with. She also knows the devastating effects of mental, physical and spiritual abuse. In addition to surviving the trauma of her childhood, Ellen also endured single motherhood, a son addicted to drugs, cervical cancer, and cardiac surgery to seal a hole in her heart.

It took over ten years of therapy, cancer treatments and recovery for Ellen to heal mentally and physically, but it wasn’t until she found salvation through her faith in Jesus that she was healed spiritually and wholly. Now, Ellen has the hindsight to see that unless she and other girls/women are fully and wholly healed, the feminine will never be fully present and healthy to lead, guide and raise healthy, productive future generations. Ellen believes that her life of abuse and trauma, as difficult as it was, is all part of God’s plan and purpose for her to be of servitude to the healing of Eve, the feminine.

God is within her, she will not fall; God will help her at break of day.

-Psalms 46:5

Healed feminine.
Healed human race.
Healed world.

Your health , well-being, and spiritual journey are important to us!